Sunday, 14 November 2010

Don Patterson

I saw this quote from Don Patterson posted on Facebook via friend and outstanding poet Helen Mort:

‎''Poet' is less a calling than a diagnosis, and the condition of 'poet' is, I'm convinced, only one aspect of a complex of symptoms - only one of which is a special attunement to the weight and texture of language. It often comes with the inability to drive a car properly, a talent for all kinds of mental illness and an excessive interest in movies and alcohol.' 

I thought this was a really good quote, so I thought I'd share it. 

Being in Canada, surrounded by the Rocky Mountains, abundant wildlife and spectacular views, you might have thought I would be flooded by inspiration, but so far I have not been particularly struck.

I did happen upon the line, "You cut quite the silhouette"  but after mulling it over I didn't produce anything further. 

Perhaps the altitude is affecting me more than I think . . .